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Helpful Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips that our staff and fans have shared with us, professional tips that they have learned through their own experiences. 

  • Start with lighter colors and gradually work your way to darker hues, and always begin at the top of the canvas to prevent smudging.
  • Before you start painting, make sure to iron the canvas (with the print side facing down) on high heat to smooth out any wrinkles.
  • To keep your acrylic paints from drying out too quickly, work with one paint pot at a time.
  • If your paint pot does dry out, add a couple of drops of warm water to revive it.
  • Be sure to clean your brushes thoroughly in between paint pots to avoid mixing colors.
  • For the most precise strokes, dip just the tip of your brush into the paint.
  • Take your time and allow the paint to dry completely before applying another color.
  • If you need to paint small areas, use the tip of a toothpick for more precision.

Happy Painting - Crafty by Numbers - paint by numbers

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